Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Find Me The Perfect Branch


By way of epilogue:

A young monk seeking enlightenment travels far to question a Zen master living by the edge of a forest.  When he arrives the master is sitting besides a stream fishing.  He young monk approaches the master with great respect and sincerity.  “Master, I have travelled far because I have heard of you from all parts of the world.  I asked many to help me find enlightenment and they have all guided me to you.  So tell me.  What is the path to enlightenment?”  The master said nothing and handed him a fishing pole.  They sat there many days eating and fishing.  The young monk grew impatient and asked a second time only to be given the same response.  He asked a third time growing more impatient.

Finally one night when the moon was full and high above them he awakens the young master with these instructions.  “Go out into this forest and find for me the most perfect branch that you can.  When you believe you have found it then bring it back to me and I will give you enlightenment.”

So the young monk packs some food, gathers his sparse belongings and heads into the thick of the forest guided only by the moon.  By daybreak he is lost and scared.  But he remembers his task and the promise of enlightenment.  He spends years in the forest examining the branches.  He first tries to figure out some way of measuring the branch.  Then he ponders its shape and color and then he asks himself where would the perfect branch hide itself.

One evening after eating nut, grass and berries because he has run out of the food he had brought with him and he lays down exhausted falling into a deep sleep.  Suddenly his sleep is broken by the sound of the wind and a loose branch hovering a few feet above him.  He looks at the branch annoyed because his sleep has been interrupted.  Then he sees it.  The perfect branch.  He has found the branch that he had been seeking.

With a few tugs the branch is pulled away from the tree.  He wraps it in his arms and now must find his way out of the forest and then find the master.  He is nervous but determined.  Very soon he will have enlightenment.

He finally finds is way out of the forest and back to the master.  The master sees him approaching and puts downs his fishing pole.  The young monk hands him the branch with great reverence.  The master examines it for a moment and suddenly strikes the young monk who falls to the ground in confusion.

The master says to him in a voice like river water whisper, “you have been enlightened.”

I was sent into the world seeking the perfect song with the perfect words and the most sublime of rhythms.  My master was FM radio.  It promised me fame, fortune, and creativity not to mention any number of women to join me on the journey.  Lately, I began thinking in terms of being a leader in this world of art that I had so diligently prayed to like the Hebrews prayed to the fatted calf.  And lately I’ve been given even more thought to that which has somehow faded away, a slight candle in the turbulent winds that all but flickered out.  I forgot the joy of creation that takes place in the word, the melody, and the rhythm.  I had all but lost the spirit that had guided me along the way.  And I returned with my branch to the master.  And the master slammed me upside the head with the branch and I fell in confusion. 

Like that young monk, however, I truly walked away with a wisdom that could not have been discovered any other way.  And so now I bring the fun back into this world I have chosen.  What you read next my friend is the uninterrupted contemplations of the inner child who plays his music by the river waiting for a fish to tug on the line of a nearby fishing pole.

Any vision of success in the entertainment industry is not going to be an easy one for most.  Let’s get real about it.  It’s a high-wire act in its best moments.  And it is going to take an incredible amount of inspiration from multiple sources.  So every morning, every afternoon, and every night.  This post is going to speak very plainly and very to the point.  I want to achieve success in this industry and that means gathering every piece of information and insight that I can get my hands on.

I have found something of great interest just this evening.  In a conversation in class the subject was risk management.  We had many good examples of the value of careful planning in this regard.  One in particular resonated with me more that the others.  The subject was the infamous Janet Jackson half-time show at the Super Bowl.  Janet had some ‘costuming’ challenges when a small section of her outfit strategically placed decided to go postal.    Now I have watched numerous clips from this great moment in sports and I literally had to squint in order to get the briefest glimpse of Janet’s body parts.  I could not help but wonder at the absurdity of this. 

We are talking about a world where another Jackson superstar made grabbing one’s crotch a universal kinetic semiotic.  We are talking about a generation who sat back on their comfy couches watching the bombing of a school in Iraq in vivid detail, slow motion and voice over analysis bragging about the accuracy of this particular weapon. It just strikes me how this particular moment in time of a young woman accidently caught in a murphy’s law scenario could catch the attention of such a wide audience.

So what does this have to do with leadership?  For one thing leadership requires careful and objective scrutiny of the audience.  Without this sort of insight there is no leader, only a hapless peasant who—because of his striking resemblance—finds himself a mask for the king.  For those unfamiliar with this theme I turn your attention to a beautiful movie called the shadow warrior.   To sum up this notion it is worth recalling that this peasant is transformed into a leader only after he drawn face-to-face with his humanity.  This is also the story of King Lear. 

And so now I have moved from Janet Jackson’s accidental display of a certain body part to a Japanese film, and ending in a Shakespearian tragedy.  So how did I box myself into this corner and more important, how do I get out.  Who knows.  I suppose the answer lies in the mere fact that I love to do this sort of thing—extrapolate on life’s little weirdness. 

Perhaps this is my realization.  Life is for me something of a roller coaster ride where the rider hovers briefly over the crowd.  And then suddenly he is dropped into a series of frenetic tumbles and turns only to be brought to a halt and only allowed back on again if he will pay his tab.  That’s just life my friend.  So the lesson I learn is that controversy works, the unexpected is what ultimately guides the day, and that even the king and the king’s fool can find their humanity.  And it is through giggling at this outlandish world that sometimes the greatest of new leaders will find the conviction and their vision that will maintain and transport them to new levels. 

So  if you find yourself one day at a meeting only to discover your fly is down just zip it up and move on.  And for the ladies one day if you are in that same meeting and you happen to notice you blouse tipping a bit too low well just hike it up and move on.  Ultimately we are all naked in this industry although we do our best to hind behind a manufactured confidence.  The real leaders just don’t let on.

I’ll leave you with this mention from the movie  “Patton.”  Patton is hover about the third tier of his headquarters.  The place is filled with movement and barking voices.  Mean are shuffling papers between each other, discussing charts, and answering communiqués.  The place is awash in a level of kinetic energy that would stand to the worst tropical storm.  The situation is tense.  Patton is out of supplies, his men are stuck in their position because of bad weather and no gas.  It’s a real mess.  And his most trusted staff’s best opinion is to withdraw.  Patton speaks plainly and loudly to his immediate staff that this is not an option.  By the end of his tirade he has the attention of the entire room.  Afterwards one of his aids says to him in a joking fashion “George, sometimes I think they don’t know when you are telling them the truth or not.”  George says something to this effect:  “It’s not important for them to know, it’s only important that I know.”  I paraphrase a bit but the message is clear enough or at least give’s something to ponder. 

So don’t ask me what the reality of this carnie show is at the moment.  Just let me collect my little tokens and just give me the chance to stay on this roller coaster for as long as I can.  And when my time is up never let anyone say that I didn’t give him or her one hell of a show.  Rage on!

For those who would be leader I invite them to join me in my search for that perfect branch.  Just don’t be surprised when you get whacked.  It’s for your own good.  Want to be a great and visionary leader?  Find and follow your vision and don’t begrudge its role just as the young master did not begrudge his.  

All the above Images are taken from Youtube.  This posting is dedicated to all those who question authority and have the confidence to make today's vision tomorrow's reality.  Rage On!  Men on the mountain image source is Source: http://www.efanet.org/about/index.html.

This posting was inspired by a recent interview with Bill Gates where he was questioned about his life, his company, and his recent altruistic efforts in the areas of education and health. After watching this interview I was curious as to what sorts of comments were being made by the general public. So I chose to surf the Internet a bit. While I did not find any particular comments on tis particular interview I did stumble upon many comments made in terms of his overall efforts. There were some that were well thought out and informative. What disturbed me was the proliferation of mere opinion lacking any sign of objective critical analysis. It provided me with cause to ponder the ways in which Gates has recreated himself. This lead me to review Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power.

In his book he talks about the power in recreating yourself. The text follows:

Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.” (Quoted from Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power, page 191)
What strikes me about his altruistic effort is the level of negative press he receives . Often his quotes are taken out of context by the public. Often they are mere 'opinion' rather than 'facts.' In point of fact this is the price of leadership. This is the priced society pays for the rapid development of a more or less democratized Internet culture: a wealth of disinformation delivered to a large portion of the audience who fails to examine words without benefit of critical and objective analysis. So the question I raise is in regards to Gates' recreation of himself from successful entrepreneur to philanthropist.

What makes Gates a leader is his ability to rise above Internet chatter. Bill has earned his success and financial situation. And the ways in which he chooses to make a contribution are his business. Was it greed that got Gates to where he is? Or perhaps is it his business savvy and vision instead? In fact, is Gates motivated at all by the need to recreate himself with the regard to the public eye? Certainly his motivations cannot be discovered in the acquisition or material wealth. He has his in abundance. What his motivations are is not for me to judge. To do so would be falling into an all too chronic and disturbing trend of spewing 'opinions' via this marvelous and dangerous tool called the Internet.

This is the particular gift of the leader: to look beyond the opinion and focus on his or her actions. And this is how I define success. As I ponder Gates' situation I ask myself significant questions regarding my own ambitions. Do I want wealth? Of course I do. Do I want to spend my life allowing my wealth define who I am? No. Am I greedy? I don't know he answer to that yet since I do not know nor will ever know an exact definition of the word itself. So as I recreate myself I must wonder just how important public perception of this recreation is relevant to me. Since I am in a position where I must first acquire power and wealth Greene's 25th law has a great deal of good advice for me in this regard. Looking to the realization of these goals I then ask myself just how important public opinion is to me in regard to personal and professional satisfaction.

I recall the life and times of John Lennon. After the breakup of the Beatles John put much effort into recreating himself. He publicly displayed his personal and professional life by redefining his creative, spiritual, and political life.

Much of his mainstream audience did not take to this recreation. But the bottom line is John was in a position of power and wealth that allowed him this luxury. Certainly he was not operating under the constraints created the desire and realization of a comfortable lifestyle. He had already done that. However, in his early career and under the guidance of a wise manager, this attention to recreation was an absolute necessity. The Beatles were transformed from an average club band into a social phenomena but not without cost. By example, this band was coached to avoid political statements regarding the Vietnam War. The Beatles were carefully branded as the nice boys with odd hairstyle who mom and dad would want as a son-in-law. It worked.

Ultimately this rather cynical and manipulative tactic worked so well that John was able to recreate himself with a minimum of regard to public perception. I see the same sort of scenario in the Gates phenomena. I suppose the key to all this is realizing the balance and compromise guided by situation. I also ponder whether the means justifies the ends. I can already imagine that some reading this will consider this paragraph a naive and philosophically remote perspective better left to classroom theory. I would argue that there is an element of the philosophical in the the practical. I would also argue that the understanding of this is essential to the acquisition of power and wealth. By extension this base power and wealth leads to the potential philanthropy. And this desire leads to the inevitable to compulsive misguided 'opinions' by the herd. It is inevitable. What defines the truly successful leader is this understanding and about:homeacceptance of this dynamic. What defines the leader is the willingness to rise above 'opinion' in such a way that it does not impact their personal and professional satisfaction or work to the detriment of those dependent on him. Gates states his concern for his responsibilities in his most recent interviews. To be a leader means to constantly recreate and accept the consequences o that recreation.

I have not realized the power and wealth of this man. People who attain these attributes are few and far between. I can, however, take away the lessons learned by observing the histrionics and applying them to my personal and professional goals and visions.
What I do know is that allowing outside opinions control my personal and professional vision is a road to ruin. What I know is that how I choose to use my wealth is my business. What I understand is that the Wall Street mentality of bottom line profit works only to degrees. I understand that leaders do not decide, they choose.

In this regard I have created a companion blog site that features information in the form of videos about related leadership qualities. The blog features inspirational and practical information. It can be used as a motivational tool in troubled times. And trust me, there will be troubled times for anyone wanting to live an extraordinary life. It can provide value by way of creating new possibilities for wavering projects. And it will entertain the more thoughtful reader/viewer inundated with bland and predictable chatter. Here is the site: http://billsvideoandaudios.blogspot.com/

So, recreate yourself and enjoy the ride. Always look inside yourself and ask the most important question: Am I satisfied with my choice and does it make a difference?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gecko On Greed. Cynicism Or Reality or perhaps both

The first installment of the movie "Wall Street" with Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas is a powerful one.  Clearly the "Buddy" character has taken on the "Gecko" character as a mentor.  In this sequence taken from YouTube Gecko expounds on greed.  What is the message delivered here?  Is he right or wrong or are their shades of gray in this?  Whatever else might be said Gecko is a powerful leader who, despite his eventual fall, achieves Authority in his world.  Where has he succeeded?  Clearly this is a morality play that echoes in the history of literature, drama, music, and theatre.  It is mythical in a very real sense.  Think of the myth of Gilgamesh and Beowulf.  Look at Watergate.  Their are countless examples.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Muz1OcEzJOs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Branson Effect

This is a series of free videos that discusses becoming a 'trusted authority.'  It is very powerful and I would urge you to view these.

Let me hear what you think and, better yet, let the Greg (the presenter) know.  He is very available.  He has already responded to my emails.


Becoming an Authority

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

John Maxwell speaks on Leadership

He makes an an interesting statement involving the difference between management and leadership.  Essentially, anyone can have a vision.  It takes a leader to guide his team to that vision.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjX5SOF0X5E

Monday, February 28, 2011

Starbucks' New Logo: Great Idea or a bit too much?

In this article with a video attached there is a discussion about why Starbucks created a new logo, some of the parts of that logo, and public response to the logo.  The article demonstrates the power of the branding strategy that is significant to even the larger of companies.  If this is the case then is it not equally important the emerging companies make the same consideration.  Also note that in the video Schultz makes reference to the 'team' as an important part of the Starbucks' success story.


An Interview with John Stiernberg of Stiernberg Consulting


My interview was with Mr. John E. Stiernberg of Stienberg Consulting. I first came across John many years ago when I was first considering a career in performance and recording. His book detailing the legal part of the business was insightful and practical specially for the emerging artist with the desire to succeed. Many years later I ran across his name on Facebook where we continued to communicate via chat and discussion boards. I learned that John was particularly interested in Social Networking Consulting in regard to improving the business, marketing, and promotion of the entertainment business as well. I asked him to share some of his thoughts on the subject and this is what he had to say.

The notion of social networking as a practical and cost-effective way of developing a company is essential to emerging talent. And so the team that is to be created is a team that should be sensitive to the possibilities of social networking. In other words as one creates a brand one should ensure that the team shares similar concerns and actively participates in that branding. It is my firm belief that emerging artist who contribute to the larger project also develop their personal branding that will assure them the best chances of developing their personal vision. Whether they are leaders, participants or both such concerns and considerations make for future success. It is my intention to build such a team where the individuals not only contribute to my company but to their own success.

While the concept of social networking, developing channels, distribution and branding holds infinite possibility it should also be approached with a keen analytical and critical eye toward the proper application of the tools of social networking. It is essential that the team leader encourage their team to broaden their understanding in this regard.

I am sure that the following interview will provide much food for thought!

Bill Gerardino, CabaretSolstice Productions

Bill: Your corporate page states that you develop “Target Market Snapshots” that are “scaled into specific segments by market, channel, product category, or application. What are the implications of the proliferation of social networking on developing your research? What ways does this change the way your clients use in developing their marketing strategies and what is the overall cost effect to the client?
John: Social networking is a relevant and useful tool for market researchers. We are active on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Plaxo. While we do not field surveys directly on any of those services for security reasons, we do use them to identify target informants, monitor competitors, and scan for industry trends.

For our clients, social network presence is the new website. In other words, if you don’t have a presence on Facebook (for example), you are not taken seriously. This is much how websites were circa 1995—2000.

Bill: You offer an “Opportunity Analysis” that features “comprehensive Market Reports by Product Category, Vertical Venue Market, or Application.” What, in your opinion, has changed in consideration of invasive or interruptive marketing through social networking? For instance. Google, Inc. boasts that a lion's share of its revenue comes through advertising. Some analysts believe that this is a shortsighted strategy that may cost Google in the future. Do you agree?
We have adjusted to the presence of advertising everywhere: online, mobile phones, in elevators, etc.—not just print, radio, and TV. The natural reaction of a disinterested person is to “tune out”—change the channel literally or metaphorically. So, as a culture we have adjusted to the disruptive aspects of all media, not limited to online social media.
John: Regarding the Google advertising strategy, it is working and will likely continue to be successful for them. It is a smart company and they are becoming increasingly diverse. When the revenue from advertising becomes compromised, they will shift to other products.
Bill: Where are the new growth areas and how do they relate to social networks?
John: Not sure I understand this question. If it relates to the Google question above, I think they will develop cloud-based content management services and premium subscriptions to what they are offering now for free or cheap.
Bill: Social networks have attracted much attention. Facebook, for instance, has recently achieved the 500,000 mark in official members. LinkedIn has significantly increased its professional visitors. Twitter has become a popular real-time source for news and events. MySpace is aggressively pursuing the business of music on a corporate and independent level. Do you think that the current growth trends can continue to grow or will they stabilize? How does this effect the methods you use in your research and your final advise to your customer base?
John: Right now there are still too many services competing for the mainstream audience. I think Facebook and Twitter have the best chance of surviving in popular culture. MySpace, LinkedIn, and others are already more narrowly focused, and will survive by not trying to be Facebook.

Regarding our advice to clients on promotion, the first question that we ask them to answer (and sometimes answer for them) is this: Where and how do your target customers get their product information?  There is no single answer to this question, and the most frequent answer is “It depends.” That points to diversity and multiple elements in any promotional campaign. Social media is one of many tools, not the only tool.

Bill: Technology is rapidly moving towards miniaturization while maintaining its accessibility. For instance, Facebook and others are directing their efforts towards mobile technology. What sort of impact does this have on trends and what sort of advice does your corporation offer its small, medium, and large businesses?
John: Push” promotion to mobile phones is like social media in that it is one tool, not the only tool. A key trend is that many people and businesses are doing away with duplicate landlines and only using their mobile phones for voice, e-mail, text, and web browsing. The iPhone “app” (and equivalents for Android, etc.) is another tool. Our advice to our clients is to shift emphasis from print and websites to social media and mobile media where it makes sense. Again, it depends on how the customer likes to access product information. There are so many customer segments and sub-segments that our clients need to embrace the full range of promotional media methods.
Bill: Social networking plays a significant role in branding. How does this impact your development of surveys that target present and future trends?
John: That depends on the depth of the survey. One question can be answered via text message. Multiple questions require a bigger screen, more time, a more comfortable environment that is conducive to thought, etc. Some surveys are best done by phone because of the spontaneous interaction between the interviewer and the subject.
Bill: How has social networking altered the “Voice of the Customer Studies,” focus group design, and facilitation?
John: We do fewer in-person focus groups these days because of the new media described above. They are most useful today when the target customer needs to touch and feel something (like a prototype product) and/or when group interaction in real time is part of the research methodology. Telepresence (high definition big screen videoconferencing) is also changing that.
Bill: Thanks for your time
To conclude: John is a very accessible, intelligent, and experienced in the field of both music and social networking. It is my intention to continue to maintain a conversation with him as my own career develops.

I would encourage you to visit John's website and share some information about contacting him should you have need of his services:

Website:  www.stiernberg.com


Sunday, January 9, 2011

What to make of independence and creative vision in the entertainment industry

The development of a successful team requires vision guided by obtainable goals.  As such a team is required to carefully choose its comfort zone when determining the scope of that vision.
This requires careful planning.  But is this all that makes a successful management team?  In my opinion this viewpoint is somewhat limited in that it suggests 'limiting' risk based on current trends in the entertainment industry.  DreamWorks is certainly not a project that lacked vision.  In addition it managed to court the finest talent in the industry.  More important these individuals joined the team in part on the promise of creative license and future visions.  That DreamWorks is currently experiencing 'bad press' creates a unique opportunity to examine why this company continues to attract the best talent and employee loyalty.  This blog will hopefully consider why this notion of extraordinary vision in an industry that has been touted by financial forecasters as dangerous waters for investors.  Put simply why does this extraordinary company and companies like them continue to create teams where individuals share a personal and professional vision when they could easily navigate to the the larger companies more or less assuring better salaries and stability?  The following is an overview of my thoughts on current events regarding DreamWorks, SKG struggle to remain unique and independent of current industry trends.  Further it hopes to create a discussion of team dynamic in its various manifestations.

I recall a famous rap performer once discussing his business strategy back in the early 90’s.  He essentially developed a label promoting himself and other artists on an independent label.  Once his project achieved a degree of notoriety he would then essentially sell to a larger label while negotiating for a part of future profits.  Then he would recreate the same methodology creating a new independent label that would for all practical purposes be in competition with the very same label he just sold.  He repeated this process several times and was very successful.  Putting aside the legal issues regarding agreements that stipulate competitive clauses built into such agreements this blog will consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a strategy. 

I have chosen Dreamworks, SKG (DW) for the subject of this blog in regards to its continuing struggle to maintain its independence.  DreamWorks has received much criticism from the media and, perhaps more importantly, powerful and influential financial forecasters. 

In a New York Times article dated July 10, 2010 BROOKS BARNES and MICHAEL CIEPLY write the following:
·      “Unlike bigger studios, which hedge bets by releasing a dozen or more films a year, one DreamWorks Animation flop could send the company’s stock into a tailspin. The company’s most successful franchise, Shrek, is finally fading into the sunset, at least at the multiplex. At the same time, rivals are racing to move deeper into animation.” (Source:  https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/12d6ce6351ee81ed retrieved January 9, 2011).

This quotation points out those independent operations run a greater financial risk than “bigger studios.”  Additionally, it suggests that an independent operation running on past successes such as Shrek need to focus on newer projects that achieve a similar or greater level of success.  But are we to simply dismiss DreamWorks because it has not yet achieved such success?  I think not.  Why?  Because this is an industry based on creative vision and imagination that simply cannot and should not be based on ‘numbers.’  Granted financial success is to be admired and sought after.  However, creative vision is not always an ‘epiphany’ moment that can be duplicated at will.  Fact is folks it takes time.
I recently completed a lyric to a song that has been in gestation for some ten years or so.  My vision of a cabaret-based project that makes use of technology in its myriad forms and in craft is only now taking on a solid and practical ‘corporate form.’

Like that rap artist whose vision translated into financial success in a time that seems to have passed us by the notion of independence in the process of creation is essential to sustaining and transcending the creative spirit.  And so I suggest we must carefully consider financial prophets preaching the apocalypse of independents.  More to the point I would suggest that the lifeblood of the entertainment industry lies in the courage and vision of these brave souls faced with the Machiavellian notions of those armed with calculators and Wall Street charts. 

My career goal includes working with such visionary studios as DreamWorks.  I am reminded of United Artist that ultimately facing mounting debt was compelled to sell to the highest bidder.  United Artists, like DreamWorks, provides the hope and inspiration of all of us who look to our futures.  Perhaps the spirit of independence does all not guide us.  But let us not forget that the desire to create and share our vision with the multitude remains significant and essential to improving and expanding the quality and positive message of all our endeavors.

I will follow in this blog the media (including the financial pages) with great interest and strive to read between the lines.  If this introduction has peeked your interest providing food for thought then I have already succeeded.  Your posts will be read carefully and hope that I can be of benefit to all in realizing their own personal and professional success.